martes, 5 de marzo de 2019

Carlos I , inherited the following terriories:
        • From Isabella I (his maternal grandmother):
            •  Castilla
            • Navarra
            • Territories in Americas
            • Cities in North Africa  
        • From Ferdinand II(his maternal grandfather):
            • Crown of Aragón
            • Italian territories 
              • Naples
              • Sicily
              • Sardinia
        • From Felipe I (his father)
            • Low countries 
            • Franche-Comté
        • From Maximilian I(His paternal grandfather)   
            • Austria
            • Holy Roman Empire     

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The Revolt of the Comuneros began in 1520 and finished in 1522.

There was great discontent in Castile for the future absence of the king to be proclaimed emperor. Carlos was seen as a foreign king who rewarded the Burgundians.
In this revolt the lower nobility and boutgeoisie in some cities rose up againist the goverment.

The king representatives and the high nobility supported Carlos V defeated the comuneros in the Battle of Villalar in 1521.
The most important leaders that participate in this battle were:
              • Juan Bravo
              • Juan de padilla
              • Francisco Maldonado
Between 1519 and 1523, in the Revolt of the Brotherhoods , the bourgeoisie and peasants rose up againist the nobility in Valencia and Mallorca.

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