lunes, 11 de marzo de 2019


 Againist France:
 There are 3 reasons why there was this problem:
  • France its surrounded by spanish  territories.
  • Spain and France wanted to conquered Italy.
  • Carlos V and Francis wanted became the emperor.
Francis I made several wars againist the Spanish Emperor. In the firts one, Francis I  was defeated in the Battle of Pavia(1525), Carlos conquered the Duchy of Milan.
Francis I  made alliances to weaken the power of the empeor.

Againist the Ottoman Empire :
Sultan Suleiman the Magnificant began to expand his empire.
 In 1529, he attacked Vienna but the city resisted. 

The Ottoman Empire had converted the Berber states in northem African into vassals.
The Turk Barbarossa controllled the Western Mediterranean from Algiers.

Emperor troops conquered Tunisia in 1535 but failed to take Algiers in 1541.

Againist the German Protestant :
The emperor foufht the Protestant princes in the Schmalkaldic War(1546-1547) and defeated  them in Mulberg.
Resultado de imagen de carlos V en mühlberg

The hostilities resumed in 1552 and Carlos V signed the Peace of Augsburg in 1555.

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