jueves, 28 de febrero de 2019


Carlos I of Spain, was borned the 24 of february of 1500 in Ghent, Flanders.This is where he lived until he went to Castile in 1517,so he didn´t speak spanish.
His parents  were Juana I of Castile and Felipe I of Castile.

Resultado de imagen de carlos v foto

In 1520, a series of dynastic alliances and premature deaths turned a 20 year-old into the most powerful monarch in Europe.

Under his reign and that of his son and successor, Philip II, Spain became the first world power, arts and culture began its Golden Age and formed the largest colonial empire ever seen.

After so many wars and conflicts, Carlos entered into a phase of reflection: about himself, about life and his experiences and, moreover, about the state of Europe.
 Finally, on September 21 of  1558 he died of malaria after a month of agony and fevers, caused by the bite of a mosquito from the stagnant waters of one of the ponds.
The coffin of Carlos is in the Royal Crypt of the Monastery of El Escorial, known as the Pantheon of the Kings.

Resultado de imagen de foto de la tumba de carlos V

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