domingo, 17 de marzo de 2019


This era was also known as the Golden Age:

Golden Century Characteristics:

  • The ideological values of those who controlled power are exalted.
  • The absolute monarchy and the counterreformist church.

  • Look for dramatic and theatrical effects, because when addressing a village of scarce culture, the message had to be simple in its content.

  • The dominance of the counterreformist religious mentality against the advances of Protestantism.

  • In artistic manifestations will dominate realism, pain, drama whose purpose is to awaken feelings and emotions among people.


  • Novel: A very important writer was Miguel de Cervantes, he wrote El Quijote in 1605. Another was Quevedo who wrote El Buscón.
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(Miguel de Cervantes)
  • Baroque Poetry: there was a wide display of popular and cult forms: Góngora, Lope de Vega or Quevedo.
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(Lope de Vega)
  • The theater will play a wide range of themes: burlesque, tragedies, comedies. Among the most important authors were Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina and Calderón de la Barca.
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(Calderón de la Barca)

  • The scenarios will be comedy pens for popular themes. They were made in the palaces and gardens for the courtly representations and in the churches and temples.

  • Architecture: the poverty of materials will prevent large constructions but this will be compensated by too many sets in works such as the Plaza Mayor of Madrid or Salamanca.
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                                                        (Plaza Mayor of Madrid)

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                                                         (Plaza Mayor of Salamanca)
  • Sculpture: the religious theme and the works in wood and marble are fundamental. Authors such as Pedro de Mena, Juan Martinez, Gregorio Fernandez, Alonso Cano, etc. with their works will express a way of living religiosity.
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(Gregorio Fernandez)
  • Painting: it will be a century of great brilliance. Painters like Zurbarán, Veláquez, Murillo, Ribera ...
Resultado de imagen de murillo

Resultado de imagen de velazquez

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