domingo, 17 de marzo de 2019


The society of the seventeenth century was still a pyramid society.

Imagen relacionada

  • Privileged social classes:
  • King: Around the whole society revolved. The closer you were to him, the more important you were.
Resultado de imagen de FELIPE iii siglo XVII

  • The nobles with title: It was a very close group, for its greatness. Normally, they also owned manors. The bought of titles was a common practice.

  • The knights with lordship: The wealthy knights owners of a manor were those who more easily happened to have title, because within the nobility, the hierarchy was established according to the degree of wealth.

  • The hidalgos and squires: The hidalgos constituted the lowest estate of the nobility scale. They did not have titles, but, on the other hand, they kept some noble privileges, such as tax exemption.
Resultado de imagen de hidalgos siglo XVIIÇ

  • The urban classes:
  • Main people: They were great merchants who supplied the cities and the court
  • High civil servant: These were state officials, real secretaries, magistrates, counselors, judges, scribes ...
Resultado de imagen de JUECES siglo XVII 
  • Small traders : They owned small businesses that lived from that commercial activity. His income was not very high.

  • Rural classes:
    Resultado de imagen de campesinos ricos siglo XVII
  • Rich farmers: A small sector (5%) and very powerful in  the city.

  • Small traders: They owned small businesses that lived from that commercial activity. His income was not very high

  • The outcasts
Beneath the productive social classes there lived  an abundant group of marginalized, among which stood out the rogue.

  • Beggars: Begging was regulated.
Resultado de imagen de mendigos siglo XVII

  • Thieves: According to their way of working, they were grouped into different classes: cicatrists, devotees, apostles, satyrs, capeadores ...

Resultado de imagen de ladrones siglo XVII

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