lunes, 18 de marzo de 2019



- Philip IV was born in Valladolid (1605) he became King of Spain around 1621 and 1665, son and successor of Philip III. He was also called "the great one". He was maried with Mariana de Austria

-During the long and crucial reign of Philip IV the Spanish monarchy, on the slope of economic and political decline, lived the last splendors of the Golden Century and had to accept the loss of hegemony in Europe, after exhausting wars and a serious internal crisis.

-Felipe IV ceded the affairs of State to be valid, among which highlighted Gaspar de Guzmán, count-duke of Olivares.

-Philip IV "the Great" died in Madrid on September 17of 1665, at 60 years of age, after having reigned for forty-four years. He left a weak heir physically and mentally and a regent, Mariana of Austria, young and politically inexperienced.
 Resultado de imagen de muerte felipe 4

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