miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2019


-Felipe II of Spain, called «the Prudent» was born in Valladolid, May 21 of 1527. He was king of Spain
from January 15 of 1556 until his death. He was also king of England and Ireland in his marriage to Maria I, between 1554 and 1558. 

Portrait of Philip II of Spain by Sofonisba Anguissola - 002b.jpg

-Son and heir of Carlos I of Spain and Isabel of Portugal. He died on September 13 of 1598 at the age of 71, in the monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, for which he was taken from Madrid in a chair-lounger made for that purpose.
Resultado de imagen de tumba felipe 4
-Since his death he was presented by his defenders as an archetype of virtues, and by his enemies as an extremely fanatical and despotic person. 

-Between the white legend or pink and black legend was favored by his own actions, since he refused to publish his biographies in life and ordered the destruction of his correspondence. 

-The Anglo-Saxon and Protestant historiography has described it as a fanatical, criminal, imperialist and genocidal being, minimizing its victories and magnifying its excess defeats. It is enough as an example the loss of a part of the Grande and Felicísima Armada - called by its enemies the Invincible Armada .

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