miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2019


-During the reing of Charles II, the war in Portugal continued and in 1668 he had to recognize his independance.
-Louis XIVseized the most important cities of Flanders and the France-Comté, without being able to do anything, since the court of Charles II was full of rivaries to obtain goverment posts.

-The tradition of wars continues in this reing, but not by Spain iniciative but due to economic problems of the century in Spain:
  • In the first war, Louis XIV invaded the Spanish Low countries, with the excuse that he had not paid his wife´s dowry; so it is called THE WAR OS RETURN. The French king, in addition to winning in numerous battles, seeks alliances in other countries in order to isolate Spain. In 1668, the PEACE OF AQUIGRÁN was signed, so Louis XIV returned the Franche-Comté.
Resultado de imagen de paz de aquisgrán Resultado de imagen de paz de aquisgrán

    • Louis XIV offers Roussillon and Sirdinia in exchange for the Netherlands that interestes him for his particular war with Hollan, but Spain, refuses and beings the second war. Louis invades Holland that allies itself with Spain and the French king crushes them with an army of 35,000 soldiers. In 1678 the PEACE OF NIJMEN was signed by which Spain loses the French- Comté and squares in the Netherlands. 
     Resultado de imagen de paz de nimega

    We have to point out that Charles II died at an early age and had health problems, which meant he could not fight big battles.

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