miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2019


 During his reign he faced many internal problems:
  • Including his son Carlos.
  •  His secretary Antonio Pérez.
  •  The war of the Alpujarras. 
 It also ended Protestant hotspots in Spain, located mainly in Valladolid and Seville.

The edict limited the religious, linguistic and cultural freedoms of the Moorish population. This provoked a rebellion by the moors of the Alpujarras, which John of Austria militarily reduced.

The relationship between Aragon and the crown was somewhat deteriorated.When Antonio Perez fled to Saragossa, and was protected by the protection of the fueros of aragon, Philip II attempted to prosecute Antonio Pérez by the court of the Inquisition to avoid the justice of aragon . This provoked a revolt in Zaragoza that Philip II reduced using force, decapitating the Justice Juan de Lanuza and Urrea and eliminating the laws and privileges of Aragon in order to be able to execute him.

 Pendón real de Felipe II, Military Government of Barcelona

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