viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019



He tried to end the wars to improve the economy
  • Peace with England after the death of Queen Elizabeth I
  • The death of the French king Enrique IV supposed the aim of a potential enemy, his widow Maria de Medeci was in favor of the friendship that sealed the marriage of its son Luis XIII with Ana of Austria and the one of Isabel de Borbón with Felipe.
  • Truce with the united provinces "Truce of the twelve years" this period of peace ended in 1618 at the beginning of the war of 30 years.

Resultado de imagen de guerra de los 30 años

When Felipe III arrived at the reign the income of Spain was around 2 million ducats. However, these revenues were almost exclusive to trade with America. They began to demand products that Spain could not get. This led to America looking for other countries to obtain them. For Spain, this had serious consequences, the income began to decrease exponentially. Thanks to Felipe III had saved all the money entered during previous years could finance foreign policy.

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