sábado, 16 de marzo de 2019


Felipe III, left to exert the power t)o Duke de Lerma. 
He did not exercise it by virtue of an official position, but through the friendship and trust that the king granted him.
These types of people were called valido.

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(Duke of Lerma)

 The existence of valido was common in seventeenth-century Europe.

The policy of the Duke of Lerma was aimed at :
  • Maintaining international peace
  • Expelling the Moriscos 
  •  Their desire for personal enrichment.

 In the religious sphere, with Felipe III greatly increased the foundation of monasteries and the company of Jesus, was favored by the monarch and increased his influence in the court and in society.

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Throughout the reign institutional reforms were followed to solve the problems of: apart from the changes introduced in the traditional system of Councils, the recourse to the Juntas was increasingly extended.

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