viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019


During the reign of Carlos V, cultural development was related to an economic expansion, as well as a political and cultural conjuncture. In the 16th century, Spain was between a humanist spirit of the Renaissance and the orthodoxy of the Counter Reformation.

The most outstanding events were:

  1. The number of patrons, universities and printers grew. This led into an increase of university students and with that, Spain became a country of a high educational  level.
  2. The culture of the time was conditioned by the role played by Spain within Europe (change of mentality on overseas travel).

During the first part of the 16th century, an atmosphere of intellectual and religious tolerance was highlighted, while in the second half it became an advocate of Catholic orthodoxy coinciding with the Counter-Reformation.

The Spanish society was dominated by the aristocratic and religious values ​​that were based on a premise which led to a negative effect on the economy:  existed a pride of the old Christian and the hidalgo who, although was poor, despised manual labor, mercantile business and considered improper the spirit of profit.

Thanks to overseas trips, mathematics, astronomy and cartography were developed. In addition, contributed in geography, ethnography and the natural sciences. The heliocentric theory of Copernicus was one of the great novelties.

Spain had great developments in:
  • The mercantile calculation
  • Shipbuilding
  • Navegation

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