viernes, 15 de marzo de 2019

 -The disastrous economic situation and the political and social crisis inherited from the reign of his father Felipe IV together with the inefficiency and incapacity of the rulers increased the critical situation of Spain and especially of Castile, giving rise to a series of monetary devaluations and the subsequent fall of economic activity.

-The life of the country was characterized by an economic crisis, although in Aragon and the Mediterranean area there was a recovery movement
-The internal crisis of the reign of Charles II had been promoting the decentralization of the territories of the Crown of Aragon and the development of economic structures, taking advantage of its geographical position and its natural resources. 

-But just when Carlos died, a war began in Spain: The War of Spanish Succession

Resultado de imagen de guerra de sucesion española 

 -It was an international conflict that lasted from 1701 until the signing of the treaty of Utrecht in 1713, which had as a fundamental cause the death without descendants of Charles II of Spain, the last representative of the House of Habsburg, and which left the main consequence of the establishment of the House of Bourbon on the throne of Spain.

- In the interior of the country, the War of Succession evolved into a civil war between Bourbons, whose main support was found in the Crown of Castile, and Austrians, majority in the Crown of Aragon.

-For the Hispanic Monarchy, the main consequences of the war were the loss of their European possessions and the disappearance of the Crown of Aragon, which put an end to the "federal" model of monarchy.

Resultado de imagen de guerra de sucesion española
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We know that it is not a war in which Carlos participated, but we saw it necessary to put this war on our blog since its beginning was the lack of descent of Carlos and was one of the most important wars in the history of Spain.

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